Do you desire to create change on your campus by positively impacting your campus culture? Do you want to make a true difference? Are you ready to take your activism to the masses?
WomenX educates and empowers the next generation of women leaders on campus by curating educational programs from the women’s lens. Title IX is a legislation that has granted unprecedented access to education and related activities for girls and women.
WomenX curated this unique Fellowship to explore the strides this landmark legislation has made over the last 50+ years. For 12 weeks we will lead a select number of students across college campuses providing each student with the education, network, and tools to be leaders on campus.
Join our growing number of 130+ WomenX Alumnae from over 50 campuses across the country.
Featured in
Ms. Magazine
Why should you join?
For 12 weeks we will lead a select number of students across college campuses who will receive a scholarship covering the full cost of Fellowship tuition. This cohort will learn about Title IX with other student leaders across the country and collaborate on initiatives to foster gender equity on campuses across the country.

This Fellowship Will Enhance Your Undergraduate Experience and Prepare You For Your Next Step: